Weekly Group Coaching Program Sheet


Description: This business growth coaching program has been designed to accelerate your business growth within the next 12-18 months.

Duration: 12 months

Monthly Cost: $297

Program Engagement: This is a one-year program. Weekly Online Training, Business Assessments, and Webinar Training.


Weekly Group Coaching

Description: This business growth coaching program has been designed to accelerate your business growth within the next 12-18 months.
Duration: 12 months
Monthly Cost: $297
Program Engagement: This is a one-year program. Meetings will be conducted via remote access via video conference calls, telephone conferences and screen sharing technology.
What is included:

Weekly Group Coaching

Weekly Group Coaching Access (marketing or sales manager). One E-mail Address notification. See Weekly Group Coaching Access section.

We have had clients reach extreme growth after they completed the full one year program. It is critical that you attend the training and then apply the business growth fundamental learning in your business immediately. The Training, Tactics, and Strategies you will learn in the weekly training program is similar to the information we provide to our clients that pay over $50K per year. Therefore, we highly encourage you to take full advantage of this golden opportunity!

Welcome to the success training that will change your life!

To your future success,

“Doc” Deon Huff