Loving Yourself Ebook




By: Coach Deon Huff

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Chapter 1 – Introduction

There are many successful people out there who are living their life as they want to.  They are working hard doing what they love to do.  The most successful people work toward what they are passionate about and love.  There are many reasons for this.  The more you love what you do, the harder you will work because you will enjoy your work. If you feel like you are bored with your life or not doing what you should be doing, it is time to change.  There may be obstacles or fears holding you back from accomplishing the goals you have outlined in your life. It is time to get past the obstacles and make your dreams happen. Many people aren’t quite sure what their true passion is.  They want to be successful as they see many other people, but they aren’t sure what they can do.  Finding your passion is possible, and it will take some deep searching within yourself.  Your passion may be right in front of you, and you don’t even realize it. Every passion has the capability of making money.  It is just seeing the angle you need to take to make it happen.  You shouldn’t sit around and avoid your passion because you don’t think you could financially survive on it because you can. The purpose of this e-book is to help you find your real passion within.  You will learn many techniques to help you find your true passion and learn ways to make them a reality.  You can work toward your passions and make them a reality. Once you finish this e-book, you know yourself well enough to know exactly your true passion.  You will know what you need to do to make your dreams a reality by using your passion and becoming successful.

Chapter 2 – Happiness is a Choice You Make

Suppose you are not a happy person. That is a choice you are making.  You have full control over your life and the decisions that you make.  There are many factors which people measure happiness.  Some people think money is happiness; however, they may be absolutely miserable with what they do daily to make their money. You might look at people who have absolutely everything, and you strive to be like them.  These things may be wealth, possessions, status, or even the position you hold at work.  These things don’t create happiness.  Happiness is a choice. Many people have wealth and a high status who are completely miserable.  They may be lonely, divorced, and more.  Happiness comes from within.  These people may be working jobs they hate but just have a knack for making money. Happiness is Subjective There are things in life that can make you happy that are subjective.  They are subjective because happiness comes differently for everyone. You might find joy and happiness seeking thrills through rides like roller coasters and bungee jumping.  This thrill may be more than torture for someone with a fear of heights which would never step foot on a roller coaster or ever be brave enough to jump from a bridge suspended by a bungee cord. Everyone seeks happiness in their own way.  What makes you happy is a natural high that you deserve to seek.  There is nothing wrong with the things that you find joy in.  You may be told you are crazy, but that is because of subjectivity. Naturally Happy Some people are indeed naturally happy.  This is proven through a genetic disposition.  This doesn’t mean that you were born to be that miserable if you are not a naturally happy person.  Your genetics influences your happiness, but it is not fixed as a determining factor. If you are not a naturally happy person, you can change the way you think and feel, so you are.  The key is to change how your brain thinks and what you do.  You can learn to do things daily to bring up your happiness level, which will help you learn to smile more and be a happier person. Sleep Sleep is a big factor if you want to be a happy person.  Sleep is needed for the body to be able to function properly.  When you don’t get enough sleep, you might be moody, have an inability to think clearly, and be very unhappy. You might get 8 hours of sleep, but you think that you get enough hours of sleep.  You may be oversleeping or even be sleeping the wrong way.  Some people don’t get a good night’s rest with a pillow, while others need a very fluffy pillow.  Your mattress could play into a bad night of sleep also. Sleep is a big factor, and lack of sleep can also cause problems with your health.  Ensuring total well-being requires a good night’s sleep. If you are not sleeping well and have determined that the lack of sleep plays into how miserable you are throughout the days, you need to fix this.  You might need to change your daily schedule so you can get to bed earlier.  You also might need to encourage other people in your household to help you a little bit more if you are working too hard. Sleep can be the entire reason you are miserable.  If you cannot sleep and toss around staring at the alarm clock all night, this could mean many different things.  Some people are very depressed, and it causes them not to be able to sleep well.  To ensure happiness, you need to get a good night of sleep. Exercise Exercise is very good for the body, and it helps the brain put out endorphins responsible for making you happy.  Exercise is important for total health.  This doesn’t mean that you must be on a heavy exercise routine daily.  However, you should try to sweat every day.  You can get great exercise by just cleaning the house and doing normal household chores.  This isn’t about losing weight.  It is about creating happiness. Meditation Practicing meditation doesn’t mean you belong to a cult or do anything religiously wrong.  Many people associate meditation with Buddhism and think it is wrong.  They are missing out on something extremely important, which could be exactly what they need to balance out their days. Meditation is one of the most effective ways to change your well-being.  Doctors have proven meditation to generate brain activity on the left side, which produces a positive emotion in the body.

Chapter 3 – Questions to Ask Yourself

When you are looking for your true passion because you seek happiness in your life or a gap you need to fill, there are many questions you need to ask yourself. By carefully answering these questions will help you understand more about yourself and possibly what might be holding you back from being happy and pursuing your passions.  Here are many questions you should ask yourself.  You might want to get out a notepad to answer these questions or just make a mental note.  Writing the answers down is usually better. What really inspires and engages you? This question may be a little difficult to answer, but you may find the answer after finishing the rest of the questions.  However, you need to be very clear about where you get your inspiration from.  What are the types of things you find engaging and exciting? If you couldn’t fail, what would you do? Many people don’t do things because they are afraid to fail or have failed in the past.  If there is something that you would do for sure if you knew there isn’t a chance of failing, what would that be? If you were forced to start over again, what would you do? Many people find themselves in situations where they have fallen into a situation where they are not doing as they wish.  They go to work because they have not had to.  If you started over again, would you take advantage of the new beginning, or would you go back to where you are?  What would you do? If money wasn’t an issue, what would you do? Many people have dreams they wish to pursue, but they never attempt to move forward with these dreams because they cannot afford to get started.  Think of what you would love to do if you had the money to do it.  This can be anything. What is your biggest dream? If you have a big dream, what is it?  There must be something you absolutely want to do that you dream about.  Think about this one thing and focus on it. What is the biggest barrier stopping you from following your dream? Name all of the things that have caused you not to follow your big dreams.  These things could be people who do not support you, money, fears, and other things.  There are many different types of barriers that can be overcome.  You might not see opportunity or success with your dreams, or you may fear that people would make fun of you.  You might not even be skilled and lack talent.  These could be barriers causing you not to move forward. What passion are you afraid of owning or admitting? Many people have dreams and passions they are afraid to talk about out of fear of being made fun of by others.  You might think your passion is silly to other people.  What is this one thing? As a child, what did you really want to be? Did you dream of becoming a child, which didn’t turn out quite as expected?  Do you still wonder what it would have been like if you did follow your dreams as a child?  If you had the opportunity, would you follow this dream today? If you were going to die, in the near future, what would you regret not doing? Many people have regrets when they realize they will die real soon.  It is often too late for many people to go back and change the things they missed out on.  They would have lived their lives completely differently if they had the chance.  If a doctor told you that you hadn’t any time left but a few weeks, then what would your regrets be?  What would you want to do before your time was up? Now that you have answered these questions, you should have a good idea of some things that make you happy and your dreams.  It would help if you had a clear idea of what you have always dreamed of doing.  Just think about if you won the lottery and what you would do with the money.  What would you do with yourself?  Knowing these things is very important.

Chapter 4 – Peak Experiences and Existing Talents

Your capabilities are very important when considering taking your dreams and making something of them.  You need to think about peak experiences and existing talents you have that you can use toward the benefit of making your dreams come true.  This can also help you build the confidence you need to be successful. Your peak experiences include times in your life when you excelled.  You don’t have to have won an award.  These peak experiences include the best times of your life.  What are some of the things you have done in your life that you really enjoyed you wish you could do again?  Consider some of the accomplishments you have made.  You might have built things in the past when you were younger. Existing talents you have today can be used to help you achieve your goals.  Are you good at organizing or marketing?  You might be good at something you don’t even realize you are good at.  These things could be making announcements about events, making phone calls, baking, gardening, and more. You don’t have to have super talented.  You may know something that you enjoy very much.  Maybe you have an interest that you like to read about, and this is your hidden passion.  Think about something you are very knowledgeable about because you choose to be, not because you must be at work. Some of the highest times in your life may be the passion you wish you had back in your life.  You might have used to be a runner and always wanted to win the New York City Marathon, but now you are a smoker and have written that dream off years ago.  That doesn’t mean you cannot get back into shape and go for your big dream. Everyone is good at something.  If you don’t have a hobby like making candles, beaded jewelry, or working on cars on the weekends, it doesn’t mean you don’t have a skill.  This just means that you haven’t quite figured out what your skill is yet.  You need to know what it is that interests you the most.  The majority of people are very good at what they do when they enjoy it.

Chapter 5 – Using Curiosity & Creativity

One very important thing is a curiosity because it is the base of passion.  You might have understandings that are blocking you from realizing your true passion.  Here are many ways you can use curiosity to help you determine your true passion for using it to be successful. Making Your Mind Active Curiosity helps create an active mind.  When someone is curious, they always ask questions and seek the answers.  It causes their mind to be active most of the time.  When you are curious and working the mind, you make it stronger.  Your brain is like a big muscle, making it stronger by working it. Open to New Ideas Curiosity also allows you to see how things can be at different angles.  When you are set in one way, things are limited because your mind is unwilling to accept a different solution.  It is much like your life.  If you don’t see your life becoming any more successful than it already is, you won’t be.  If you can open your eyes to new ideas about how things can be, you are more willing to try them. The great thing about curiosity is that when ideas come to your mind, they will also be recognized and not ignored.  When you are not curious, you miss out on the important ideas because you haven’t prepared your mind to be open to them. This also means you must be open to suggestions.  Many people offer input that you might not want to hear.  This input could have been the one thing that was what you needed to do in your life.  Be open to suggestions by asking more questions and seeking different answers. Open to New Possibilities When your mind is open to new suggestions, you will see the bigger picture in almost every situation.  Your world will be open to new worlds and possibilities because you will be curious.  Normally you wouldn’t see these things like you see today. It takes the most curious mind to have the capability to look beyond the normality of life and see things hidden underneath the surface.  These are worlds and possibilities that you can make happen.  You have total control of your curious mind. Excitement If you are bored with your life, you are most likely not curious at all.  Curiosity builds excitement in your life because you will want to see things.  There will always be new things that attract your attention and an abundance of toys and gadgets that you enjoy. When you are curious, you are adventurous, and it is so much fun to add adventure to your life.  This doesn’t mean you need to go on an African safari.  It means you need to look around you and see the things going on a little more than you normally do.  Do a little research and find out why things tick.  Be curious and open to new things rather than having the same boring routine every day. Developing Curiosity If you consider yourself curious, you are in a routine of the same thing every day and bored with the life you are not.  You are boring.  You can develop the curiosity to help you become a more exciting person and see the life you can have.  Once you become curious and want to know what your life will be like when you take your passions and make them happen, you will be more likely to make them happen. Keeping an open mind is the best thing to develop your curiosity.  You have to be an open-minded person.  If you are set in your ways, this may be the most difficult task—work on seeing things from a different point of view.  Think about different versions of things and how they could end up. Another thing you need to do when developing your curiosity is to never take things for granted.  Many people accept things for how they are.  They never dig deeper, and they lose their entire curiosity and excitement. Many things are a really big deal, and although it may seem simple to you, it is important.  Your child may want to do something that seems so ridiculous.  It is about the time spent, and you should never take these things for granted because they may not be available later.  These also include wasting time in your life watching television when you could be working toward your passions. Constantly ask questions.  As you are developing your curiosity, it is important to ask questions.  Who cares what people think about you?  You are working on yourself, and you need to be curious.   This will allow you to get beneath the surface of things. Ask about how things work and why people are friends of each other. Find out as much as you can about everything.  Not only are you working your brain, but you are also learning new things and developing an understanding.  You are learning about why people do the things they do. However, you might do something one way people may choose to do it another.  This is the opening of your mind you need to do. Never label something as boring. If you are asked to do something with someone else, and you think it sounds drab, you need to get up and tackle it as if it is much fun.  Things are only boring that you make boring yourself.  Labeling an activity or chore as boring completely closes the doors to something that might be your passion.  In addition, you can think of ways to take that boring activity and make it fun. Look at learning as something fun.  There are many things about your passion you might need to learn.  You might have put off your passion because it will require you to take a few courses.  It is very common for people to think they are too old to learn new things and don’t follow a passion.  You are never too old to learn new things.  The best thing you can do is continue learning by reading as much as possible and learning new things. It would help if you never put a passion off because of learning.  You need to tackle the learning as a fun experience to help you achieve a goal in the long run.  Being curious is learning.  You are in a lifelong class and learning new things every single day.  So if you have to take a class or read a book to learn something new, tackle it with a new attitude of excitement and fun.  You will learn much more than you would if you thought the learning was a burden. Reading new things is another way to feed your curiosity and develop it.  You might like to focus on just one thing, but you should be open to as many different topics as possible when reading.  This can help you build your curiosity even further.  If you find you like to focus on just one thing, you might have found your passion. Building Creativity Do you think you are not a creative person?  You actually might think you are creative and not be at all. If you want to live out your passions and make them a reality, you need to be creative.  There are many ways you will need to tackle barriers and make things happen creatively.  The more creative you are, the more successful you will be in your life.  Here are a few ways you can build creativity in your life. Make creativity a game in everything you do.  When you come upon a circumstance, you should give yourself the rules.  Think about the objectives and any obstacles or strategic constraints that might be a problem.  The more creative you are with these answers, the better you are. When you are creative, you also have to set goals.  Goals go with deadlines, and you need to set a deadline with activities.  When you attach a deadline with tasks, it makes them more exciting.  You also won’t procrastinate as much either. Self-expression is a very important aspect also.  It would help if you found every opportunity to express yourself that you can see creatively in a creative fashion and every opportunity.  When you look for opportunities to express yourself, you are creative in the process. Expressing yourself can be in the way you display dinner on the plate.  You might choose to dress up the meal with cranberries and garnishes.  You may change how you do a presentation at work and completely change the style from how your work does it.  View every activity to express yourself and be creative. Allow more focus in your life.  The best thing you can do for yourself is eliminating distractions and noise when focusing on an activity.  When you focus on an activity hard, you will see opportunities and qualities about it.  If you really cannot pay attention to something, it is boring.  Again, find ways to make it exciting. When you are working on activities that seem like they are boring, then you should view them as smaller pieces of a bigger picture.  You need to see the big picture of things and every aspect of an activity. Walk around your home. If you are having a hard time figuring out your true passion, it may be sitting right in front of you.  You may have collections of items like figurines, magazines, hobbies you like to do on the weekends, and more. Take a look around your home and see if some of the decorations are a clue to what your true passion is.  You might be surprised you have surrounded yourself with items and not even realized it.

Chapter 6 – Barriers

Many people are very clear about what their passion is, but they have external barriers that are in the way.  If you have barriers stopping you from living out your dreams, you need to get past them.  You have full control of external barriers, and you can do something about them. People The biggest barrier to someone not fulfilling their passion and dreams is another person.  It is common for someone to add input that is hard to listen to because you feel like you are being made fun of.  People may ridicule the idea, think it is silly and much more.  The last thing you need to listen to is an outside opinion if it is negative. If you have a passion, you need to surround yourself with supportive people.  Someone who is not supportive is not whom you want around because they will only bring you down.  That is if you let them. Many people have a spouse who does not support a passion because they think the idea is ridiculous or would be embarrassed by your passion—this type of person you don’t need around you.  If you decide your spouse over your passion, you are restricting yourself.  It is important to clarify to your spouse that you are passionate about doing something in particular and need to support you. When you have the right support, you can do anything.  When family members are not supportive emotionally, it can make things difficult.  The best thing you can do is let them know you are fulfilling your dreams, and they will not stand in your way.  It is your life, and you need to be satisfied with it when the time comes.  People who are not supportive of you may have to shut out for a while until they see that it truly makes you happy. Money Money is one of the biggest barriers that cause people not to move forward with a passion.  You might be an excellent mechanic and want to start your shop, but you have never moved forward with the idea because of the cost.  Money can be overcome. There are many ways to get the money together to start your own business or live out a passion that might cost much money.  The best thing you can do is begin cutting costs in your life where you don’t need them. Many of the ways you can cut costs in your life include not eating out every day for lunch at work.  Pack a lunch.  Consider taking the bus and not driving in every day, so you don’t have to costs for gas and parking.  Think about many of the additional expenses you have that you don’t need.  You might buy tons of extra things at the grocery store you don’t even eat, but it happens because you always go grocery shopping when you are hungry. You need to put the money away whenever you save money you would have normally spent on something else like lunch at work.  Open a savings account or buy a lockbox at home and put the money in it.  Don’t count the money or ever get into it.  Remember that every time you add to the box, you are getting closer to achieving your passion. Remember that by being creative with your life, you will most likely find other ways to make additional money to put aside for your endeavor.  You also may find a way to start your dream without any startup costs.  There are many ways to start your own business if it means you begin in your home first.  If you love to make aromatherapy candles and have always dreamed of owning your shop, you can start a business online first.  You may even find your online business is more successful than a brick-and-mortar store would ever be. Money is an obstacle that can be overcome.  It is the most common excuse people use for why they cannot live out their dreams.  You should never fear for your survival.  In addition, if you have a supportive spouse, they will help with the financial burden while you are getting started to live out your dreams.  In most cases, the financial payout, in the end, will be much better. Time Another reason many people do not live out their passions and make them happen because they say they do not have the time.  This could be close to true if you commute to work hours away and get home late at night.  It is common for many people to be slaves to their work and never have time, even for their families.  This makes them feel selfish when they want to live out a passion. If time is a problem, you must find a way to make time to do what you want to do.  You might consider waking up an hour or two earlier every day or staying up just a little bit later.  Remember, sleep is important for happiness, and a good day, so you cannot cut too much into your sleep. You might get an hour for your lunch hour and can bring crafts with you to work or your laptop to work.  This way, you can work on your passion for an hour each day.  Finding the time is very important. Time wasted is very common for people who claim they do not have the time to live out their passions.  You might spend hours every night watching television and not doing very much on the weekends either.  This time might be your relaxing time because you work so hard during the week. It is time to start cutting out all of the time wasted in your life going out with the guys, watching television, and doing things that are not productive.  You do have time to get started.  You just need to manage your time better.  Remember that you don’t have to complete an entire project once you get started.  If your project is hours and you have an extra hour each day, you can do a little bit.  This will allow you to have something to look forward to each day. Job If your current job is the reason you cannot live out your passions because you are currently a slave to your employer, you should find a new employer.  If you are not doing what you love to do in the first place, then it won’t matter if you find another employer. Your job may be your livelihood, but you need to work toward being happy with your life and success.  When your job is why you cannot be happy, you won’t even be successful.  You won’t move up, and you will,l despise it.  It may be very hard to wake up every morning to work each day.  Don’t you want to do something that you enjoy waking up in the morning each day for?  You can, and you have full control over this. Fears Fear is another one of the biggest reasons people do not move forward with their passions and make their dreams a reality.  You can overcome fears, and you need to overcome them.  By the power of curiosity, you will be more open to suggestions and know that there can be a better outcome than what your mind has limited you to believe. You might have a fear of failing, which is why you have not moved forward with your passions.  If you fear failing, it is natural.  It is like learning how to ride a bicycle or learning something new.  Not many people start something new or take on a passion and immediately are successful.  There are many fears and failures along the way you will experience.  You have to pick yourself back up and keep it going. Being afraid to fail is normal, and you don’t have to let it stop you.  When you fail, you need to take it on as a learning experience to grow from it.  Failure can be turned into a positive experience. You might even have a fear of success.  That might sound funny, but many people are afraid to succeed.  They have problems saving money, and as soon as they start saving up enough to start their dream, they spend the money on something they don’t even need.  Later they kick themselves and begin the saving process all over again. You should never be afraid to succeed. This fear is natural, and many people have low self-esteem that they don’t believe they are good enough to be successful.  You can be as successful as you believe you can be.  Don’t let your fears of what could be getting in the way. Learning Learning is another obstacle for many people.  You might have finished school 20 years ago and figure you are done with learning anything new.  This is silly, and you are always capable of learning even when you are on your deathbed at 80 years old.  You need to take on the entire learning process as fun and exciting.  You will be living out your dreams soon, and if it requires you to obtain a certification or learn something, you need to look at this as a stepping-stone toward your goals. There are many obstacles that you can say are the reason for you not living out your dream.  These are only temporary barriers you are using as an excuse for not moving forward.  You are in control of barriers and your mind.  You have control of the people in your life who are supportive or not.  You have control over your job or the ability to find ways to fund your endeavors creatively.  Barriers can creatively be overcome to get started with living out your passion.  You need to stand up and say no more to barriers in your way and start living your dreams.

Chapter 7 – Goal Setting

Goal setting is important for many reasons.  When you set goals, you can see progress, have something to look forward to, and help create ambition.  You must set goals to achieve them. When you set goals, the best thing you can do is attach a date on different milestones.  Take a specific goal of your passion and attach a completion date to it.  Upon a completion date, you will then break down your goal into many steps to get you there.  Each of these steps is a milestone. You might consider putting a date on each milestone based upon how long they will take you to get to.  These might be estimated dates, and you might be off by a day or two.  However, one milestone may be accomplished quicker than another so that it can put you back on track. Working by using a goal method gives you something to look forward to.  The best thing you can do is reward yourself at the end of each goal, or you may see the reward as you get closer to your passion.  When you are working toward a completion date, you are more likely to work on the goal rather than say I plan on getting it done eventually.  A date makes the goal more real. Goals with milestones allow you to see the forward progress you are making toward achieving your goal.  You might consider making a chart with the dates and steps attached.  Break down each step with tasks you need to complete and things that need to be done.  As you reach each milestone, you will be closer to reaching your goal. The closer you get to achieving your true passion, the more ambition you will have to live out the dream and make it happen.  If you need to brush up on your skills first, take a few classes.  These classes will be a part of your milestones and steps to get to where you want to get to.  As you complete each one, you will have completed a milestone and closer. If your goals include very difficult steps to do and require much hard work on your part, do not be afraid to reward yourself for getting to where you are in your project.  Buy a bottle of wine, take the night off, and celebrate reaching a goal.  Do something to treat yourself for your hard work. You deserve it, and you are worth it. Any project you decide to tackle or endeavor you want to achieve, you need to design it as a goal with a breakdown of the steps to get to the goal.  This will make the goal look much easier to get to, and you will work harder to achieve it.  In addition, you have a way to measure just how close you are to making it happen in your life what you have always dreamed of.

Chapter 8 – Living Your Passion

When you live out your passions, there are many things you need to do with your attitude and your life to be successful.  You will be a more successful individual with a life and your passions when you practice these things. You can measure success any way that you want to.  Success is not measured by money because anyone can make much money.  The goal is to make much money by living out your passion.  When you are working toward something you are extremely passionate about, you will usually be fortunate enough to make some money.  The important thing is that you can look back on your life and know you did everything you wanted to do, and you have no regrets. Be Whole Your passion needs to make you whole.  You need to focus on not just one thing but every aspect of your passion.  Enjoy the experience in its entirety.  Enjoy the process of ordering the parts and having them delayed for two weeks.  This could mean a wonderful vacation while waiting rather than a sign that you weren’t supposed to get started on your passion.  Don’t look at negative things happening as a sign.  Be whole with everything you do.  Don’t try to be fake or impress someone with someone you are not. Be Passionate When you are passionate about something, you don’t have to display passion so other people can see you. Your passion comes from inside, and if you truly love what you are doing, this will come naturally for you.  You will take pride in your work, and if you design clay pots, you won’t send a cracked pot out to a customer because you will be passionate about the quality.  This is because you will own it, and your name will be on it.  You will be proud of everything you do because you are proud of this. Leadership Leadership is another factor that you need to consider because you want to show people how living your dream can be done.  You don’t want to follow in the footsteps of anyone.  You want to be passionate about leading change in your life.  You are making a significant change to live your life how you want to.  Create your vision and lead the way by achieving the goals that you have set out. Continuous Improvement As you live your passion, you will not be putting out the best every time.  You need to find ways to continuously improve processes slowing you down, causing poor quality, or frustrating you. When you continue to improve the process, you will do better as time goes by and see how well you can do.  Productivity improves after time once you find ways to make things better.  When you first start with your passion, everything may seem disarray and a mess.  You can fix this, but it will take time and trial.  You may try something fifteen times before you hone a method down to the most productive and quality method. Action Action needs to be all around you when you are living your passion.  Because it has been so easy to procrastinate to work toward your passion, you do not want to fall into the same problem as before.  It is important to take action with yourself, people you include to help you, and more. Taking action is the most important thing to avoid procrastination.  You want to work toward a big goal which is your dream.  Nothing is going to get in your way or slow you down.  Put a sign up that says action to remind yourself you are working toward your passion by constant action. You want to have people on your team that are action-oriented also.  Don’t have people work with you that are not action-oriented.  If you have a supportive aunt who likes to sit around and talk but not work hard, you cannot help her with your passion.  She may be the person you can have to help you create hype for your endeavor or business but not take action.  Find a place for her to help because you need the support. Always reward action.  Never let action and goal setting go without rewards.  You want to reward everyone helping you and yourself.  This doesn’t mean you need to spend money you don’t have.  You can reward someone by letting them know you appreciate what they are doing for you.  Acknowledgment of hard work is sometimes enough when people know you appreciate it. Model Your Heroes Choose at least the top 5 heroes you adore and want to be successful like and model their success.  Learn everything you can about your heroes and become an expert on them.  Learn about how they became successful.  This means you should know their entire autobiography.

Chapter 9 – Turning Passions and Goals into Reality

Turning your passions into reality requires you to do many things.  Now that you know how to find your passion and live your passion, you need to make your passion happen.  Here are things you can do to make it happen. Believe The most important thing to success believes that you will be successful.  You really can be successful, but you shouldn’t even get started if you do not believe it. Abilities are in your mind, and you have total control over your success.  It is not about impressing people.  You can believe it, and you don’t have to tell anyone.  Believe.  Relax and believe you will be very successful, and one day you will be so excited to sit on the Oprah Winfrey show and talk about your passion and how you turned it into a reality.  Believe and feel empowered as you think about your endeavor and how you will be successful. Attitude Your attitude could make you or break you.  You need to maintain a completely positive attitude.  Be positive at all times.  Don’t let the little things get you down or upset you.  You are living your passion, and every obstacle now is a learning experience.  You need to have a positive outlook on everything you do with your business and passion. Having a good attitude will help you become more successful with your business and passion.  You need to have a positive outlook and belief.  When your attitude and outlook are positive, things will begin to work in your favor more often than they ever have before.  It is really about how you look at things, not how bad they are.  You make things and a situation worse.  Your attitude is what will make it positive. Hone Your Idea If you are in a situation where you cannot make your passion a reality today, then you will need to hone your intentions.  You can take your idea and improve it by chiseling away at the details—lay out the plan for your project or business endeavor and every detail you need to consider.  There are still plenty of things to do when you are in a waiting period.  Don’t look at a waiting period as a sign that you shouldn’t get started or as another way to procrastinate. Build Momentum The best way to build momentum when working toward your passion is to act on your ideas.  Act right away and don’t sit around for something to happen or come to you.  The same goes for a problem you need to fix.  You need to act on it.  The more responsive you are, you begin to build a momentum that is hard to break.  Your laziness will go away, and you will do well with being more productive. Make the Best of Your Resources You need to make the best of your resources when making it happen.  You might not have much money, and you need to find ways to care for things like daycare and errands.  You can find friends and other supportive individuals to help you.  If you are short on supplies, you might have to talk to friends and people to see where you can get a hold of more supplies. The creativity you have learned in the earlier chapters of this e-book will play into motion at this time.  You may not have the money or resources you need.  You need to be creative about things you can do.  If you are a writer without a computer, you can go to the public library and use a free one.  Find resources that you can use to make your passions successful. Sacrifice and Hard Work In most cases, when someone works toward a passion, they are prepared to work hard and willing to sacrifice just about anything. When you first start with your new job, you might find that you are very poor, to begin with.  You cannot expect to be a success overnight.  Things will take time, but the importance is that you will be doing what you enjoy.  You will be required to work long hours and sacrifice family time and many other things.  Sacrifice is the most important thing you can do if you want to succeed. There is no substitute for hard work to reach your goals.  Only you can reach the goals you set for yourself, and you will need to work very hard to get to where you want to be.  Embrace long hours, sweat, and tears because they will be rewarding in the end. Organize Your Life Organize your life around your passion.  You have started a new job or passion that you want to succeed in.  Start living the successful day that you have always dreamed of.  For example, wake up early in the morning, brew coffee, read the paper, talk on your blog, and more.  Organize your life to be the good time that is healthy for you.  Plan your time with plenty of exercise and healthy decisions.  Be sure you are getting enough sleep also.  You will have to put in many hours to be successful at first, but you cannot lose sleep, or you will have problems enjoying your passion.  Working toward a passion means you get to sleep too.  Proper organizing will allow you to be successful and more productive. Visualize and Meditate Visualizing is very important if you want to work toward your passion.  Meditation and visualization help you see where you are going with your passion.  You have an idea manifesting, and you need to visualize it.  Meditation allows your ideas to manifest inside you, so you will make it happen.  You want to manifest your desires, and you will be sure to make them happen.

Chapter 10 – Final Considerations

When you live out your true passion in life, you will need to accomplish a few more things.  You must give your life to something, be free from pain, not focus on results, and not worry about survival issues. When you give your life to something, you immediately dedicate yourself to the passion.  This means you will need to give your passion as much time and energy as possible.  The rest will follow naturally as you are dedicated and entirely given to your passion. The pain and pleasure principle does not count when working toward a passion.  Your passion may give you pleasure as it makes you happy, and you love to do it.  However, reaching your goals may be painful and frustrating.  You may cry at times and want to throw in the towel.  Success is never easy, but you would very much rather work toward a passion than go to a job you hate every day.  This passion is yours, and you own it.  Feel the pain and make it satisfying in every way.  The pain will satisfy your soul, which is much better in the long run because you will not have any regrets later on. Never concentrate on results.  The universe is going to take care of the results.  Things might be slow at first, and if all you are looking at is the results, you may never get there.  According to Tao, focus on what you need to do and find the way to freedom. Never worry about survival when you are working toward a passion.  This is the most important key to being successful with a passion.  When you worry or are afraid, you will create problems for yourself.  You need to have courage in your heart and mind that you will be fine, and you really will.  You have the power to control everything and to be positive.  Don’t worry.

Chapter 11 – Conclusion

A passion is something you want to do and what you were meant to do with your life.  Everyone has a passion, and they can live a full life when they know exactly what their passion is and what they need to do. Success is not measured by money.  Even the richest people are very unhappy with their lives.  To be happy, you need to follow your passions, and the riches and successes will follow along later. There are many ways to look for and find your passion.  You can learn what your passion is by asking yourself many questions.  You might have the answer decorated all over your house and walls. If you have a true passion and obstacles stopping you from living the dream, you must get past them, and you can.  Anyone can be successful with a passion.  They can easily turn it into their business if they want to. The key to successfully making your passion work is believing that it will work for you and working extremely hard.  The harder you work, the more successful you will be.  If you have a wait time and cannot get started right away, you can plan your goals. Remember, always set goals with steppingstones to get to them.  You will see your progress toward your goal and know how long it will take you.  Award your achievements as you meet your milestones and get closer to your goals. You are a person who is worth living their passion.  You have the same capabilities as anyone else.  You deserve to be happy, and you deserve to live out your passions. If the information in this eBook has been of great benefit, let us know by sending us a message on any of our websites listed in this eBook. Share your experience changes, and by clicking on the Social Media links on this website, share the love!  If you are happy and know it clap your hands and then click on the Social Media links on the website, you purchased this book and post a positive review online. We have placed enough information into this eBook; however, if you need additional help, assistance, coaching, we are here to help. Visit my websites for your NEXT LEVEL coaching support. Transformational Coaching and Overall Well-Being ​ You are the leading actor, playwriter, and director of the movie that is your life. And dating success is in your hands, and you drive this area to achieve your goals, long-term relationship, partnership, and marriage. Therefore, well-being is an individual’s perception of their reality. Equally, the same area of personal growth governs your overall well-being, success in life, and mastering dating with a purpose. Here are key areas that will lead to success in life, health, dating, and increased wealth:
  • Intimate relationships
  • Family & friends
  • Money & Finances
  • Career
  • Health & Fitness
  • Mental Health
  • Love & Happiness
  • Lifestyle (Hobbies, Habits, Personal Goals & Achievements, Fun)
  • Abundance Thinking and Living
  • Lifestyle Design
  • Dating Profile
  • Dating Night
  • List Item Date (What is Dating? How to date well?)
  • Date Selection
  • Dating Relationship – Purposefully Dating – Reason for Dating – Dating with Goals
Happiness first starts within each person, and then it is manifested outwards and felt by all within your circle. Coaching helps you realize the energy and power within you. It is waiting to come out! I can be reached for coaching at several websites: www.deonhuff.com, www.HealthJourneyPro.com, www.HerSlender.com, www.FitAndSlimmerBody.com, www.LifeSuccessAndPersonalGrowth.com, www.SuperSuccessfulWeightLoss.com, www.DatingAndRelationshipSuccess.com. After you have purchased any of our coaching programs and wish to book your consultation appointment feel free to follow the directions below or contact us via the Contact Us page on any of our websites. This is a one-on-one coaching program. After you have paid for your coaching, please visit:  https://lifesuccessandpersonalgrowth.clientsecure.me to create your client account, complete the initial enrollment documents, download your goals e-class worksheet, and schedule your first coaching session.  The sale is final after you have attended your first coaching session. If you select to cancel a session within 48 hours of your original appointment, you will lose that session, and no refund is given for that missed appointment.