Weight Loss By Eating Ebook




“Weight Loss By Eating Ebook Will Teach You How You Can Lose Weight In Record Time, WITHOUT Being Hungry, Tired Or Weak!”

(And you don’t have to deprive yourself!)

Have you tried to go on a diet to lose weight, only to find that despite the hunger and frustration, you didn’t manage to lose any weight? Trying to lose weight is a tough and relentless effort. You starve yourself for days hoping to lose a few pounds, only to find yourself no better off than before.

But what if… what if you could learn the secrets behind the REAL and effective way to lose weight? And even better, what if you don’t have to starve yourself silly in the process?

If you’ve been trying to lose weight without any or much success, you may have just stumbled upon something that could finally help you shed those pounds for good – without a single day of starvation!

I have to be honest. I love to eat.

What can I say? I love good food!

Chances are, you do, too. But trying to lose weight by going on strict diets that keep you hungry all day long isn’t going to change anything – in fact, it has been proven that this actually makes you more addicted to food that you are trying to avoid!

Maybe You Just Want To Look Or Feel Better…

Perhaps you’ve experienced the same shock and horror as me when you couldn’t pull the zip up your favorite pants that you were still wearing a couple of months back.

Or perhaps you no longer look good in your favorite shirt with that bulge that just keeps getting bigger and more obvious by the day.

You know you need to lose weight – you’ve even tried! But you just can’t seem to lose anything but your self-confidence.

And worst of all, you continue to be addicted to the foods that made you this way.

It’s Time To End Your Food Addiction…

And the way to start is by throwing out all the diet plans that require you to stay away from food. You cannot lose weight simply by not eating – that will actually have the opposite effect!

Ever wonder why you almost always end up heavier than when you first started on a stay-away-from-food diet?

That’s because the human evolution process is an extremely slow one.

Our DNA still contains data from our pre-historic ancestors. Back then, food was scarce. Our ancestors would sometimes go on for days without anything to eat – so when food does come, our body turns it into fat and stores them so what little food they had to eat could continue to sustain them.

When you attempt to lose weight by starvation, this old mechanism kicks in. This means that when your next meal comes around, what you eat will be turned into fat and stored in your body. The more you eat during this time, the more fat will be created.

So, how do you lose weight?

The answer may surprise you.

After all, everyone and their mother will tell you that in order to lose weight, you have to avoid as much food as possible.

But the truth is, you have to EAT in order to LOSE weight.

The body is like a furnace. It cannot burn any fat without energy, and you won’t get any energy if you don’t eat.

And here’s the good news!

You are just minutes away from discovering:

  • How YOU could actually be what’s preventing yourself from losing weight!
  • Why some diets work for others but not you!
  • The real reason why diets don’t work for you and the many myths on weight loss that could be costly to your body and health!
  • How to plan and keep track of your new eat to lose weight diet plan without hassle!
  • How to eat as much as you want and lose more weight than you’ve ever had with traditional diet plans! – No more giving in to cravings because…
  • You no longer have to go hungry while losing weight, ever again!
  • How you can easily maintain your ideal weight, staying fit and healthy for a long, long time to come!
  • And so much more!

Introducing… Weight Loss by Eating

How can Weight Loss By Eating help you?

I’m sure by now you’ve realized that it’s finally time to change, and that it’s time to take your slice of the pie (quite literally) and shed off that excess luggage around your waist.

So it’s only natural that you would want to get rid of all the junks and myths surrounding weight loss that doesn’t work – and take on the one method that anyone can followregardless of age, sex and build.

That’s what Weight Lost By Eating is all about.

With this guide in hand, you will be able to finally eat to your content while keeping the kilos at bay. You no longer have to worry that you will gain weight from over-eating and at the same time you will find that you are healthier than ever before, and feels much more energetic as if you’ve just encountered your second childhood.

The BEST part about Weight Lost By Eating is that there is no drastic changes you have to make. In fact, it’s so easy to follow that you and your entire family can get in on it without much hassle!

You Owe It To Yourself And To Your Family To Change Things!

This really is an opportunity to finally take charge of your efforts in losing weight and maintain your new figure without much compromise or change in your life.